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200 Hour Vinyasa Flow YTT

October 27 –
  November 18, 2024

When October is one of the best times to be at both surf breaks and in the mountains, we take our yoga teacher training to both locations!

Join Samdhana Yoga for our 200-hour teacher training course, where we add a bit of adventure into our intensive, training experience!

We start our journey in the quietude of the mountains in one of the most pristine areas of Bali. This World Heritage UNESCO site serves as a wonderful backdrop and platform for spiritual transformation. Blessed with the surround sounds and beauty of the rainforest, our choice to live in Nature allows us to go deeper into practice without distraction.

On a day off, we will then continue onward to the black sand beaches of the West coast. Here, you can enjoy sunset walks and breathtaking views or even a quick surf at one of Bali’s most consistent surf breaks.

Each contact day will include practice, instruction and discussion in a peaceful, yogic setting. While this training is an intensive format, we do take necessary breaks to enjoy the calls of Mother Nature: forest bathing and temple visits, trips to the waterfalls and hot springs, and a walkabout amidst the famous, panoramic rice fields.

Samdhana Yoga has been training in Bali for 17 years and we’ve nailed the perfect recipe for creating an atmosphere conducive for focus, adventure, silence, and personal thriving amongst the wilds of Bali.


Pricing and Cancellation Policies:

A $500 non-refundable, non-transferrable deposit is required to secure your spot. Or register and pay, in full, before June 1st and save $400! 

Package Pricing Per Person
if paid in full by June 1
After June 1
Triple $4,495 $4,895
Double $4,695 $5,095
Single $5,195 $5,595

Note: All final payments to be submitted by July 31, 2024.

Price includes:

  • Tuition
  • Manuals
  • 5 months free access to YogaWorks Online library
  • Transport to and from airport on arrival and departure days only (Oct 27 and Nov 18), no exceptions
  • Villa accommodations for 22 nights, 23 days (beginning Oct 27, ending at check out Nov 18)
  • All organic, vegetarian meals (meat package is available for an additional $115). Vegan meals are also available.
  • Hike to famous temple
  • Hike through the world-famous rice terraces
  • Trip to the local hot springs
  • Special blessings from a local priest

Not included:  Additional group excursions, airfare, visa, staff gratuities

Strict cancellation policies apply:

  • Cancellations made between June 1-July 31, $750 cancellation fee.
  • After July 31, there is no refund on housing or tuition.

Prerequisites: We recommend one full year of consistent asana practice prior to attending the training. In addition to contact time in Bali, students are required to take 12 outside yoga classes to experience different styles, levels and methodologies. These classes can be completed by October 25, 2024.

Course Details:

Our foundational (200-hour) program is ideal for serious students and aspiring teachers. It is a blend of Ashtanga, Iyengar, and the teachings of Desikachar, coupled with a unique approach to sequencing that is specifically designed to meet the needs of the average yoga student.

Students who complete the 200-hour yoga teacher training program will:

  • Deepen their practice and understanding of yoga asana
  • Know how to structure and create a cohesive, well-rounded class
  • Acquire an understanding of yoga philosophy and how to live yoga on and off the mat
  • Build relationships with highly experienced yoga teachers
  • Have the confidence and tools to begin teaching yoga
  • Be qualified to register with Yoga Alliance at the 200-hour level
  • Have a life changing experience built on community support, authentic relating, and personal transformation

Our program comprises three main areas of study: theory and practice, Yoga philosophy and the art of teaching.

Theory and Practice

The curriculum will include a comprehensive study of the foundations, techniques, and mechanics of fundamental yoga postures with an emphasis on deepening the student’s personal practice, and recognizing and honoring it as the source for inspiration and creative teaching.

Topics include:

  • Intensive asana study for all types of poses (seated, standing, supine, inversions, arm balances, restorative, backbends, forward bends, twists)
  • Functional anatomy and physiology, subtle body anatomy
  • Introduction to several meditation and mindfulness techniques
  • Principles and practice of pranayama
  • Overview of subtle body/chakra system

Yoga Philosophy

Over 2,000 years ago, the sage Patanjali described the process of Yoga and movement toward peace and Higher Consciousness in his treatise, “The Yoga Sutras.” Our interactive discussions take an interesting, contemporary and practical approach at examining sutras as they apply to everyday life, that is, the struggles of modern life within the context of relationships. The residential format is unique in that we are given infinite opportunities to apply these philosophical underpinnings to our 23-day experience while in community. This will transform not only your asana practice but also your life practice, providing tools on how to truly engage in the world both as incredible teachers and humans. Authentic relating cultivates a more refined skillset for deeper connection.

The Art of Teaching

The art of teaching is a form of yoga in itself requiring sensitivity, compassion, and practice. A teacher must encourage and inspire, and be sensitive to both the needs of individuals and those of the group. During this course, the practical and subtle aspects involved in teaching include:

  • How to teach mindfully and effectively
  • Use of voice, language and cues, body language
  • The art and science of sequencing
  • How to shape the teachings to suit all practitioners rather than a one-shape-fits-all approach
  • The purpose and use of props: when, where and why it is appropriate to use props (or not)
  • Assisting rather than adjusting-the value of different types of touch as a way to gain kinesthetic awareness and proprioception
  • Practice teaching and constructive feedback to leave with confidence and skills to teach

Upon graduating, students will receive a certificate of completion that can be used to register with Yoga Alliance at the RYT-200 level and to present to prospective employers.


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I strongly encourage anyone thinking about doing the YogaWorks 200-HR Teaching Training to consider the residential format in beautiful Bali, Indonesia. I attended the program in Nov-Dec 2012 and can honestly say that going there was the best decision I ever made. I cannot imagine participating in a teacher training any other way. With the residential format, you are so immersed in the program, with no distractions from the outside world. You live and breathe yoga for five weeks, and have the opportunity to build so many strong relationships with people from around the globe. I learned more about myself in those five weeks than I have in my entire life, and was taught yoga philosophy, anatomy and proper sequencing among other things. Alicia and Oliver are amazing teachers! We learned so much from them in just five weeks. They genuinely care about the well-being and success of their students, and put everything they’ve got into the program. Within just two weeks of being home from the program, I landed a job teaching, and now teach regularly at a few yoga studios in the city. I have received great feedback from students and teachers about my sequencing and knowledge of each posture, and it’s all thanks to Alicia and Oliver, and the format of the residential teacher training program at YogaWorks.
Yasmin I.
Bali 200 Hr YTT.

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